The Strohschirm Manufacture used exclusively for our straw umbrellas only the quality Reet by Hiss Rett, the family Hiss Reet reed Trading GmbH, founded in 1833 with headquarters in Bad Oldesloe, is since the 20s with reeds (reed) and has since become the largest reed dealer in Germany. Reed products are sold by ship and truck directly in Germany, Holland, England, Ireland and Denmark, or to Bad Oldesloe, the headquarters brought, and distributed from there. In addition, the company is Hiss Reet with complementary products from other manufacturers such as Dormer windows, wall heaters, fixing etc. .. In addition to the traditional trade with reed comes the distribution of reed products for nature and gardening to an ever-growing importance. Due to increased demand and the growing market of ecological building materials Natural building materials was created in 2004. The area of garden products was an increased interest recorded and was expanded new products such as straw parasols by the Bremer Strohschirm manufactory.